Thursday, July 28, 2016

dear Lincoln!

 I started a new job three weeks ago. I have to confess: I’m bored.
system administration in a way I have to do it now - turns out to be not entirely boring, but ... well... yeah, boring.
 It's not much of a logic or knowledge or lack of projects (all there, there), but just a way how it is: load of specific knowledge and not much of creativity to apply - well- you always can choose between red and blue wire, but the colour choice, in this case, does not get you out of matrix. Opposite: it helps you to get in deeper. Cause you are actually the one who building it.
 I'm not very sure how I going to carry on, taking to attention that those guys does not paying well, regarding the regularity of the payments.
 However, it is my result of wanting to work in small start-up and nonono corporations. well, small start-ups have their own issues).

In fact, money is not the only big issue I have here.

 the space- the room where I’m working is relatively small and packed with young and not so young man. Some of them thinking they are very stinky with a smell of sweat and therefore they pour on themselves an excessive amount of deodorant or spray and make my life unbearable cause mostly I cannot breast properly. I have to go away for a walk sometimes as my eyes are watering and my nose is itching as hell from inside.

But the main issue they are not really paying the money as they have a trouble with the cash flow.
 it comes as a result of the company being split in halves around last December, when two owners decided to go separate ways.
 However, since I have no proper internet at home as yet I cannot start my proper job search.
I'll see next week how does it goes.
 main issue is: I'm not busy enough with my job, so i even could write a post to blog for you, which i wanted to do for a long time.
Good news; I have a bit of connection problem this week (in a sense of to connect to something/someone- I haven’t got any replies on my emails or phone calls and even my parcel was delivered to other house) I saw Kenny and Zsolt today! it's two guys, my amigos from previous job, you probably remember them. so not much changed at Coretex: people overloaded with jobs and projects, leaving, not much coming.... I've told them that Jordan turned out to be a gay, o! you should see Kenny!
 suddenly he become so worried:
 I was in a bathroom with him recently and he just chat to me while we were peeing!
 I said: Kenny! so what? he didn't scare you while it was happening - what are you worried about now? it's too late anyway.
Kenny! he said: I’m not worry about him! I worry about me!

right at this point Zsolt and I become 2 laughing bags, like: Wow! that's the coming out.
 Then Kenny tried to make a situation better by saying: why do you think I wasn't ok with you being after Jordan? it's simply jealousy.
And so and such, but too late, we were laughing our heads off.

So, as a conclusion I can say the "gay problem" exist not only in Russia, but in western world as well.
 While gay marriages are allowed and Pride festivals being held all over the planet, there is plenty of people who has absolutely ignorant ideas about man choosing another man.

To be honest I’ve never heard of gay jumping on another man in the bathroom once the other one took his dick out to pee. I do have a few gay-friends…. Well I haven’t got to ask them much about this cause they are mostly Russians and I left Russia long before all those “gay issues” comes out.
 Well, Kenny just haven’t think about it at all, and once he stops for a moment and observed the situation he was able to see how stupid his idea was.
 But Kenny is a very intelligent person....

It’s bringing up another subject: main difference between Cortex people and Atmospheric people: coretex was full of intelligent people. Full. I could've count people who didn't use their intelligence by fingers.
 Atmospheric is not so big and vice versus I can count intelligent people by the fingers on just one hand of mine.
 It's ... well. I cannot really say they are not intelligent, but I find it interesting to talk only with two or three out of 10.
 One of others just called me a fish. Coincidentally this guy is king of team lead of mine…..
 that's the life.
 yes, I know I’m a special. it's my cross and I hold it tight.

What do you think Lincoln?
How was the film festival, btw?

 How did I manage without smiles after each sentence?
 See you on Monday

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Если взять лопату

и копать вглубь с той стороны, то в результате окажешься на этой стороне.
Я очень надеюсь, что мы таки останемся здесь.